
Who are America's “white people”? Where do they come from? How have they maintained their social dominance in the United States? And why are so many now expressing anger at their place in society?

Whether musing on the legacy of a Puritan folk heroine or examining one of the most gruesome massacres of the Revolutionary era, Gregory Rodriguez brings American history to life in deeply revealing and imaginative ways.

This collection of powerful, clear-eyed essays not only explores the origins of America’s largest demographic group, but excavates the meaning of whiteness and the racial origins of the nation's burgeoning cult of victimhood.

Gregory Rodriguez_Whiteness an American tragedy
Photo by © Baldesca Samper


Essayist Gregory Rodriguez holds a degree in Religious Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. He is the author of Mongrels, Bastards, Orphans, and Vagabonds: Mexican Immigration and the Future of Race in America, which Foreign Affairs called "required reading for anybody interested in the future of the United States” and The Washington Post listed among the Best Books of the Year. His essays have appeared in Time, The Atlantic, The New York Times, The Economist, The Nation, The Wall Street Journal, and many other leading publications.